Club Officers 

2022-2023 Club Officers

  • President - Madhulika Sharma
  • VP Education - Judy Lei
  • VP Membership - Answerd Ramcharan
  • VP Public Relations -  Romuald Gurnitski
  • VP Mentoring & Advanced Speakers - Tomas Ohannessian
  • Treasurer - Nathan Mekuz (Michael Lee -interim)
  • Secretary - Wendy Ha
  • Sgt. at Arms - Doug Lowry
  • Immediate Past President - Michael Lee

Club Officer Roles and Responsibilities


  • Serves as Club’s CEO responsible for general supervision and operation of the Club
  • Directs Club in a way which meets educational growth and leadership needs of the members
  • Establishes long term and short term plans for Club growth in cooperation with the executive team
  • Participates in Area activities

Immediate Past President

  • Provides guidance and serves as a resource to Club officers and members
  • Chairs the nominating committee
  • Assists in preparation of Club Success Plan
  • Promotes Club’s efforts to become a Distinguished Club

VP, Education

  • Responsible for planning successful Club meetings so that each member has the opportunity to achieve his/her educational goals
  • Directs planning, organization and implementation of communication and leadership, speechcraft and other educational programs
  • Schedules speeches, signs communication and leadership manuals, updates member progress charts, and reports education program completions promptly to World Headquarters
  • Coordinates recognition of member achievement
  • As second ranking Club officer, presides at Club and executive committee meetings in absence of the President
  • Ensures that each new member receives orientation to the Toastmasters educational program, including assignment of mentors.

VP, Membership

  • Retrieves and responds to messages from the Club voice mail line
  • Plans, organizes and implements a continuous marketing effort which ensures that the Club maintains or exceeds a charter membership level of 20 members
  • Works with groups inside and outside of Toastmasters to promote Club membership and membership retention
  • In coordination with Club Treasurer, responsible for prompt submission to World Headquarters of Club’s semiannual report (including membership list and dues payment)
  • Provides for recognition of Toastmasters who contribute to increase of membership in Toastmasters International
  • Maintains accurate membership roster.
  • Chairman of Club Membership Committee

VP, Public Relations

  • Maintains the Club website
  • Develops, implements and administers a program that maintains a positive image of Toastmasters for all members, guests and the general public
  • Responsible for internal and external public relations for the Club including but not limited to: preparing and distributing news releases regarding Club activities, publicizing Club events, working with Club officers to develop literature about the Club, representing Club with the media
  • Works with Sgt at Arms to maintain an effective program of internal Club communication
VP, Advanced Speakers
  • Administers the TBT advanced speaker program
  • Coordinates with the VP Education to ensure that the benefits of being a mentor/mentee are communicated to the club members on a frequent basis.  

VP, Mentoring

  • Administers the TBT mentor program.
  • Pairing up mentors and mentees.
  • Sending out the mentor/mentee assignment emails.
  • Maintaining an up to date list of all mentors/mentees.
  • Sending out club wide emails that remind members of the program/ask for feedback.
  • Suggesting improvements to the mentoring program.


  • Responsible for development and execution of financial policies, procedures, audits and control
  • Receives and disburses funds in payment of all obligations
  • Develops and recommends budget to Club Executive Committee
  • Notifies members of dues payable and collects dues
  • Along the VP Membership and Club Secretary ensures semiannual membership roster are mailed and received on time


  • Responsible for Club records and correspondence
  • Custodian of Club constitution, bylaws and all other official Club documents
  • Submits updated membership and officer records to World Headquarters
  • Prepares and mails orders for Toastmasters supplies
  • Records and reads minutes of Club meetings and Executive Committee meetings
  • In coordination with VP, Membership, submits all new, transfer and reinstated memberships to World Headquarters
  • Submits names of newly elected officers to World Headquarters within 10 days following election

Sgt at Arms

  • Responsible for serving as master host and making proper physical arrangements for all Club meetings
  • Coordinate with VP Public Relations and VP Membership to ensure that each member and guest is welcomed at Club meetings
  • Responsible for orderly conduct of meeting

Meetings held every Tuesday 12:15-1:30 PM

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